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7 Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean Longer

How to Reduce Dust and Dirt in Your House 

Keeping your home clean longer can be a challenge, especially if you have a busy lifestyle, pets, kids, or allergies. Dust and dirt can accumulate quickly on your surfaces, floors, furniture, and fabrics, making your home look dull and dirty. Not to mention, dust and dirt can also affect your indoor air quality and health. 

But don’t worry, there are some simple and effective ways to reduce dust and dirt in your house and keep your home clean longer. 

1. Use Doormats and Shoe Racks 

One of the easiest ways to keep your home clean longer is to prevent dust and dirt from entering your house in the first place. You can do this by using doormats and shoe racks at every entrance of your home. Doormats help trap dirt, dust, mud, and moisture from your shoes before they get inside. Shoe racks help you store your shoes neatly and avoid spreading dirt around your floors. 

At Spokane Services, we recommend using doormats that are made of natural fibers, such as coir or jute, that can absorb moisture and scrape off dirt. We also recommend using shoe racks that are easy to clean and have enough space for all your shoes. 

2. Change Your Air Filters Regularly 

Another effective way to keep your home clean longer is to change your air filters regularly. Air filters are devices that remove dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, and other particles from your indoor air. They are usually installed in your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system or in standalone air purifiers. 

Changing your air filters regularly helps improve your indoor air quality and reduce dust and dirt in your house. It also helps extend the life of your HVAC system and lower your energy bills. 

We recommend changing your air filters every one to three months, depending on the type of filter, the size of your home, and the level of pollution in your area. We also recommend using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters that can capture up to 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns. 

3. Dust Your Furniture and Fixtures Weekly 

Another simple way to keep your home clean longer is to dust your furniture and fixtures weekly. Dusting helps remove dust, cobwebs, pet hair, and other debris from your surfaces and make them look shiny and fresh. It also helps prevent dust mites, allergens, and odors from accumulating in your fabrics. 

Dusting your furniture and fixtures weekly helps keep your home clean longer because it prevents dust from settling into hard-to-reach places or becoming airborne again. It also helps reduce the amount of dusting you need to do when you deep clean your home. 

At Spokane Services, we recommend dusting your furniture and fixtures weekly with a microfiber cloth or a duster that can attract and trap dust without scratching or leaving residue. We also recommend dusting from top to bottom and left to right in each room. 

4. Vacuum Your Carpets and Rugs Biweekly 

Another important way to keep your home clean longer is to vacuum your carpets and rugs once in two weeks. Vacuuming helps remove dirt, dust, pet hair, crumbs, and other particles from your carpets and rugs that can make them look dingy and dirty. It also helps prevent stains, odors, mold, mildew, and pests from developing in your carpets and rugs. It also helps extend the life of your carpets and rugs by keeping them fluffy and soft. 

It would be beneficial to vacuum your carpets and rugs biweekly with a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter and a rotating brush head that can loosen up dirt and debris. We also recommend vacuuming slowly and in different directions to cover every inch of the carpet or rug. 

5. Mop Your Hard Floors Monthly 

Another essential way to keep your home clean longer is to mop your hard floors monthly. Mopping helps remove dirt, dust, spills, stains, grease, and grime from your hard floors that can make them look dull and dirty. It also helps sanitize and disinfect your hard floors and make them look shiny and new. 

Mopping monthly helps keep your home clean longer because it prevents dirt from building up or becoming airborne again. It also helps protect your hard floors from scratches, scuffs, and damage. 

Our experts at Spokane Services recommend mopping your hard floors monthly with a mop that has a microfiber pad and a mild soap or vinegar solution. It is also better if you are mopping in small sections and rinsing your mop frequently. 

6. Wash Your Bedding Quarterly 

Another helpful way to keep your home clean longer is to wash your bedding quarterly. Washing helps remove dust, sweat, oils, and dead skin cells from your bedding that can make them look dirty and smell bad. It also helps prevent dust mites, allergens, and bacteria from growing in your bedding and affecting your health and sleep quality. 

Washing your bedding quarterly helps keep your home clean longer because it prevents dust from spreading to other areas of your bedroom or becoming airborne again. It also helps refresh and fluff up your bedding and make them more comfortable and cozier. 

We recommend washing your bedding quarterly in hot water with detergent and bleach, if needed. Also, it is advisable to dry them on high heat or hang them outside to kill any remaining germs.  

7. Hire Spokane Services 

The last but not the least tip for keeping your home clean longer is to hire Spokane Services. We are a professional cleaning company that offers a wide range of services for your home or business. We have earned a reputation for being reliable, affordable, and high-quality.  

We can offer you:  

  • A team of trained, experienced, friendly, and background-checked cleaners  
  • A fleet of modern, well-equipped, and eco-friendly vehicles  
  • A variety of flexible, customized, and affordable packages  
  • A 100% satisfaction guarantee and a hassle-free cancellation policy  

At Spokane Services, we care about your satisfaction and comfort. If you want to hire Spokane Services for your cleaning needs, contact us today and let us help you.